Inspiring quotes about dreams

I want to remember that no one is going to make my dream come true for is my job to get up every day and work toward the things that are deepest in my heart...and to enjoy every step of the journey rather than wishing I was already where I want  end to up.

There's a lot to be learned from the juniors and seniors,just keep working hard,even through the though times and you will be successful.I just realized recently that the coaches are created to make us better-remember that and respect them for it.

Life is wonderful beautiful journey.every episode of my life is like a dream,and I am at peace and happy with what life has given me.

The dream of my life is to lie down by a slow river and stare at the light in the trees-to learn something by being nothing.

There can be many different views of what heaven is like, because heaven is what ever makes each person eternally and fully happy.

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